Maxim Zhestkov | Director | Designer

24 year old Maxim is based in Russia.

At the age of six he was given his first computer, a ZX Spectrum, and devoted his time to drawing huge and very detailed illustrations. He was also a keen gamer, and believes his enthusiasm for design and CG effects can be traced back to those days. After high school Maxim undertook a degree in architecture, which he followed by studying graphic design, fine art, illustration and sculpture.

He says: “There are no limits in graphics - everything you can imagine is possible. But I have to say I still love architecture. It all started with 2d illustrations, that smoothly turned into 3d illustrations and spaces. Then I developed a passion for architecture and graphic design. Then I realized that the most important thing is motion!”

type...........: toy design
name...........: quadrics 001
released on....: 07.07.07
manufactured by: kachingbrands

info...: art film / personal project / 2007

info...: personal project / 2008

info...: art film / personal project / 2008
sound..: yurii zolotukhin / Y.Z and kammerton

info.....: Art film for MTV International Rebrand / Universaleverything / 2009
direction: Maxim Zhestkov, Matt Pyke
cg.......: Maxim Zhestkov
sound....: Simon Pyke / Freefarm

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